On the Determination of NH_3 and CO_2 in Urea Condensed Fluid by Conductimetric Titration 尿素冷凝液中NH3和CO2分析方法探讨
The test methods for sulfur content analysis in atmosphere and in working circumstance are solution conductimetric titration, constant potential electrolysis, coulometry, infrared spectroscopy, interference of light, semi-conductor method, thermal conductivity as well as diaphragm electrode method etc. 对大气及工作环境中硫含量的检测方法有溶液导电法、定电位电解法、电量法、红外吸收法、光干涉法、半导体法、热导法以及隔膜电极法等。
This paper studies the saponification value of waste oil, soybean oil and fatty acid with nation-standard method, conductimetric titration and potentiometric titration, making comparisons among experimental results. 分别采用国标法、电导滴定法、电位滴定法测定废油、大豆油、脂肪酸的皂化价,并对测定结果进行分析比较。